Focused Reintegration of Ex-Detainees
The Focused Reintegration of Ex-Detainees (FRED) is a cutting-edge HLAF program which was designed to address a very glaring gap in the Philippine criminal justice system: the fate of ex-detainees after being released.
Currently we provide pre-release programs in selected jails; we also assist in the reintegration of former PDLs to their families and their communities.
Our Reintegration Stories
dignity through freedom
Rowena’s Resiliency and Hope
Ate Rowena’s story is one of resilience and hope, a narrative that illuminates the power of reintegration and community support. On June 21, 2022, she
Kuya Freddie’s Salvific Journey
For many reasons, Alfredo has often been regarded as the black sheep of his family. During childhood, he always saw his parents quarrel and fight
Visiting Kuya Rodel and Ate Mona in their homes
HLAF, together with Social Work interns, visited the homes of Persons Restored to Liberty (PRLs) as part of FRED’s Panunumbalik (Post-Release) Program. Former FRED beneficiaries
Can Gen Zs promote and protect Human Rights?
As the world continues to evolve, the youngest generation—Generation Z, whose age ranges from 12 – 27 — stands at the forefront of social change.
Is there hope in confinement?
Jail congestion in the Philippines remains a highlighted issue that demands urgent attention. Overcrowded facilities not only exacerbate difficult living conditions for persons deprived of
Restorative Justice and Anti-Death Penalty
In a world that often feels overwhelmed by violence and despair, the quest for justice and healing remains a pivotal discussion point, particularly within the
Our Accomplishments
1 January 2021 - 31 December 2021
were assisted to be reintegrated back to their communities and their families.
were provided witih programs and activities inside the facilities to prepare them for their release.
(both PDLs and non-PDLs) were provided with mental health awareness trainings, debriefings and other mental health activities.