Focused Reintegration of Ex-Detainees
The Focused Reintegration of Ex-Detainees (FRED) is a cutting-edge HLAF program which was designed to address a very glaring gap in the Philippine criminal justice system: the fate of ex-detainees after being released.
Currently we provide pre-release programs in selected jails; we also assist in the reintegration of former PDLs to their families and their communities.
Our Reintegration Stories
dignity through freedom
Stigma Shattered: The Power of Hope and Resilience Among Incarcerated Women
“Women in prison are often invisible to society, but they are human beings with stories, families, and dreams.” – Angela Davis The Philippine jails have
Out of the bars, straight to the net: Former PDLs Digital Reintegration
The effects of incarceration on people include the loss of parental rights, a reduction in family income, disruption of family stability, and a detrimental effect
Focused Reintegration of Ex-Detainees: The sight of 2022
The program addresses the lack of reintegration programs for newly released persons deprived of liberty in the country. Its aim is to help heal the
Understanding the Needs, Breaking Down Barriers: Mental Health Issues and the Well-Being of PDLs in Quezon City Jail
By: Mary Ann Cortez Have you ever wondered what a normal day in the life of a social worker in a prison is like? This

A glimpse of Hope
Once in a while, a sudden life-changing moment will happen to a person. An event that has ruined everything with just a snap and things

Ang Mapagligtas na Karanasan
As we support Prison Awareness Sunday and the National Correctional Consciousness Week, here’s HLAF’s exceptional story of Kuya Freddie. For many reasons, Alfredo has often
Our Accomplishments
1 January 2021 - 31 December 2021
were assisted to be reintegrated back to their communities and their families.
were provided witih programs and activities inside the facilities to prepare them for their release.
(both PDLs and non-PDLs) were provided with mental health awareness trainings, debriefings and other mental health activities.