Out of the bars, straight to the net: Former PDLs Digital Reintegration

The effects of incarceration on people include the loss of parental rights, a reduction in family income, disruption of family stability, and a detrimental effect on the mental health and well-being of the family.

The use of video and electronic communications on digital communication platforms benefits PDLs and their families. Communication with family members improves PDLs’ chances of finding work and receiving various treatment services following their release by helping them maintain relationships and family ties.

The Philippines has a unique hearsay culture in the community, especially when talking about other people’s lives.

Aey, a former PDL and FRED (Focused Reintegration of Ex-Detainees) beneficiary told she was uncomfortable during her release because of the communities’ attitude toward her Ang iniisip ko ay iniisip nila na may pagka-ex PDL ganyan, parang hindi ko maiwasan na baka may discrimination sa family or sa kapit-bahay ganyan. Di mo maiwasan maisip mo yun eh”.

Lulu, another FRED beneficiary shared the same kasi syempre meron po stigma paglabas dahil galing ka nga dun which is sa akin po nilabanan ko po kasi para sa akin po, kung ano po, ipapakita ko po sa kanila, iba yung nakita nila noon, malaki pagkakaiba nakita nila noon sa ngayon. We cannot please everybody naman po diba. Laban po talaga and manalangin ka na tulungan ka ng Diyos para makapagbagong buhay. Sa actions po naman makikita yun eh kung may may nagbago sayo or wala. Mahirap kasi syempre hindi sila nagsasalita pero alam mo sa sarili mo na may ganun thinking sila, which para sa akin bahala kayo kung ano gusto niyo isipin. Basta ako gagawin ko ang tama sa ngayon hanggang sa kasulukuyan po”.

One of the many difficulties that PDLs face upon release is searching for job opportunities. Compounding this challenge is the growing necessity for digital literacy which has become increasingly important in today’s job market.

Given all these, it is critical to study the role of the Internet on PDL reintegration in terms of job opportunities. Internet access could help PDLs in terms of job searching and skill development, including if these contribute to higher chances of successful reintegration into society. 

Lulu told “Tindera po ako. Nagtitinda po ako siomai, siopao, french fries, hotdog, yan po. Ngayon po di po kasi ako nagtinda kasi may activity po. Women’s Month po ngayon ma’am, may gagawin po kaming activity mamaya sa barangay, yun po di po ako nagtinda ngayong araw na ‘to. Saka po nagchat po sakin si Sir Wendell na may interview. Mamaya pang 4pm meron po kaming activity sa barangay kaya ngayong araw di ako nagtinda, pero tindera po ako. Dati pa po yung mga tinuruan po, gumagawa din po ng empanada, yung turo samin dati, paminsan-minsan. Tas yung mga palaman gumagawa din po ako, sardinas, ganyan po. Lahat po yun ma’am ginagawa ko rin para kahit papano onting kita malaking bagay ‘yon sa amin ma’am, pambigas, pang-ulam”.

Aey said ” Sa ngayon po dahil nag face-to-face na yung mga estudyante, nagpirme nalang po ako sa bahay dun sa online food business saka sa sari-sari store. Pero before po mga January, kakaresign ko lang sa call center, bumalik po kasi ako sa call center mga 3 months after kong lumaya. Tapos dahil po face-to-face na, kailangan tutukan na yung anak ko, nagdecide po ako na manatili nalang sa bahay, magfocus nalang dun sa tindahan”.

A glimpse of Hope

Once in a while, a sudden life-changing moment will happen to a person. An event that has ruined everything with just a snap and things suddenly changed out of nowhere.

One sin is equivalent to countless hardships. Being in jail is such a nightmare that no one would ever want. The feeling of fear and sorrow dominates the emotion of being in that situation. To land behind bars was the darkest mark of yesterday that no one would dream of. Who would wish to experience that miserable life behind bars? Would anyone be able to describe how helpless one experiences? Destiny, for some reason, challenges humans’ strength in their hopeless times.  

A woman who’s been committed for more than two years at Quezon City Jail, has been a kitchen crew during her incarceration. A mother who strives harder for a better change and fosters positivity in life, a former PDL, Ms. Lulujane.

Food hooks up her interest and leads her to love cooking. It has been her passion ever since she was assigned to the kitchen. Her life behind bars revolves around cooking and serving food throughout her stay in jail.

Way back in 2020, when she was acquitted from jail and started over again. She knew about the FRED program from a friend and felt like a new door opened for her. It appeared that the FRED program gave opportunities to helpless ex-detainees like Ms. Lulujane.

She has witnessed and experienced the activities offered by the FRED program for a new beginning. She commented on how webinars and activities helped her to continue her life despite the experiences that she had been through. She was able to learn about simple yet delicious foods that she hasn’t tried to make before. The activities such as yema making, Spanish Sardines making, and empanada making served as her livelihood to earn income for their everyday living.

However, the stigma of the people had been a challenge for them to start over again. Applying to companies for a job had been her struggle upon thinking if they would accept her or not. Additionally, the expenses spent on the application were also a challenge. So, the livelihood program of FRED led them to put up a small business that will support the needs of their families.

She was not aware of how to make yema spread nor sardines or even empanada until when she joined the FRED program.  Focused Reintegration of Ex-detainees is one of the programs of HLAF, that primarily focuses on the reintegration of the PDL by providing activities such as those mentioned earlier that will imply knowledge and experience to help them start over again in putting up a business. In this sense, Ms. Lulujane was able to determine her strengths through those activities.

To be exact, she struggled in making the ode of the empanada among the three activities since it was her first time making it in her forty-nine years of existence. Fortunately, among the three, yema spread has been the easiest followed by making Spanish sardines. She has proven that she excels in cooking as she joined the FRED program.

It turned out that through HLAF activities, she was able to begin a new chapter of her life after being detained. Discrimination and stereotyping are against people like her. Seeing others look at her from head to toe reminded me of her past. What a judgmental world for helpless people! A negative comment from everywhere tries to pull her down.

Ex-detainees who are seeking another chance to be better the second time around is their ultimate goal. HLAF lit up the path for that second chance. This company gave hope to her to conquer the challenges that former PDLs face. In this regard, the learnings from HLAF, the experience, were sentimental for them wherein they used it in the real world. Relying on her experience, she hasn’t encountered any dilemmas while performing activities. It was just a matter of effort and following the procedures correctly to produce good quality products.

Before this, she tried to apply her learnings in cooking, then she sells it in their area Luckily, it worked knowing that she was the first one to sell products like yema spread, Spanish sardines, and empanada. She enjoys it so much even though she earns a small amount. The quality of products is what matters to her. She considers the taste, quality, and appearance to guarantee the customers good products. It’s not the quantity but the quality of food for the customers to enjoy it. She even researched some techniques on how to improve her skills.

Unfortunately, she stopped making empanadas due to Inflation. On the other hand, she was looking for fresh tawilis fish for the Spanish sardines since she cannot find fresh fish at their market. She emphasized that she will pursue the business because she sees potential in it. For her, It doesn’t matter if she earns a small amount because quality is the best of it. She wants to see her customers fully and happy with her products.

Also, she already made a sticker logo for the Spanish sardines for a good presentation. Thus, she’s exerting effort for the growth of her business. Seemingly, she is passionate about doing so. All of this won’t be possible without HLAF. They taught ex-detainees like Ms. Lulujane to come up with her livelihood. Moreover, they also taught the PDLs to be strategic in their ways.  Along with this, Ms. Lulujane was very grateful for being a beneficiary of the FRED program.

She became inspired to continue change within herself and be a better individual. She also stays away from people with bad intentions and never commits any violation as part of the change. The support from HLAF influenced her to strive for positive change and encourage other ex-detainees to become better citizens. Her gratitude for all the support and contributions of HLAF to her life is overflowing and priceless. Indeed, she will continue to participate in other activities that HLAF will offer.  

Her story conveys an array of hope and not giving up. Things fall into places according to plan. It features that positivity must prevail despite the obstacles that hinder one’s goal. An Inspiring story that does not tells the experience itself but the lesson learned from it. A piece of evidence that a second chance is worthy to give. It may take a long to be accepted in society. But, a sense of perseverance, dedication, and determination will sooner make it. 

Not back to black: COVID 19, Decreasing Cases, Philippine Jail Situations

Despite the glaring data that there is a drastic decrease of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines, it may be imperative to know what the current situation of jails, persons deprived of liberty (formerly called inmates), and their families are right now.

It may be said that in the Philippines, many are not aware of the plight of PDLs. In my more than 2 years in advocacy and development work, often than not, I have to explain who the PDLs are, the work that we do, and frequently, the worthiness of giving hope to our beneficiaries.

The Philippines is known to have one of the highest jail occupancy in the world. According to the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), Philippine Jails have hosted 125,347 PDLs in December 2021 with a congestion rate of 386% while the total ideal capacity of our jails is only 24,248.

The existence of the underlying unfair social and economical support stiffly bounds to the cruel and unequal welfare outcomes. The elderly and the sick’s battle to survive multiple health conditions, the PDL’s reintegration inside jail, vulnerable children’s active involvement to diversion and intervention programs, and the social challenges of former PDLs are only a few that the Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc. (HLAF) has been addressing.

We must believe that there should be no barrier that older people and PDLs with long-term medical conditions should be transported to hospitals or temporary medical facilities within detention centers where they can receive the appropriate medical care since there is lack of the provision of proper health care and assistance in Philippine Jails.

I still haven’t heard well from the public news on the government’s concrete plan to address the on-going health crisis where PDLs must be included in the National Action Plan for COVID-19, although I know the actions, programs, events, and partnership activities from the BJMP.

Until now, since the COVID-19 information sharing is only little to none to PDLs, it must be called to action that PDLs must be kept up to date on what is going on in the world, particularly in relation to health crisis. PDLs should also be informed about how to prevent themselves and others from contracting and spreading the virus.

Many prisons and jails have restricted PDLs’ access to the outside world by prohibiting physical visits from relatives, friends, and even their lawyers should they already have. Physical contact to families, friends, and the community outside jail have transitioned to online such as E-Dalaw (visitation), E-Konsulta (case consultation), and even E-Burol (wake/burial).

Authorities should ensure that PDLs are not cut off from the outside world while restricting interaction. It should be remembered that interaction is necessary for persons in jail to maintain their mental health.

NGOs in Action

While it was very tough for service providers on how they can connect their efforts, non-government organizations (NGOs) such as HLAF, its partners, and friends did not stop conducting their activities even online.

In 2021, HLAF’s continuation of its Jail Decongestion program has released more than 1,600 PDLs, conducted 1,426 case consultations, visited 7 jails online, and facilitated 56 paralegal trainings for PDLs and jail officers.

HLAF strengthened the access to justice of detainees through jail
decongestion, capacity building, coordination, and knowledge sharing by
promoting the detainees’ right to liberty, health, and reformation. It has also
established programs in legal aid clinics and enhanced the abilities of law
students to conduct and facilitate the program’s activities.

Our Call

PDLs must be provided with sufficient food and water for both nutrition and cleanliness. The access to proper and sufficient number of hygiene kits (soap, alcohol, sanitizers, wipes) of PDLs must be ensured to promote safety of co-PDLs, staff, and visitors (if allowed).

The government should fund more electronic devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, and projectors for the sufficient availability of online (e-dalaw, e-konsulta, e-burol) and educational use to ensure the rights of PDLs.

Service providers such as NGOs, and other external partnerships must be continued and allowed for PDLs to avail services and activities that can promote their rights, welfare, and well-being inside jail.

Lastly, expedite the release of cases with light offenses, as well as see through PDLs who have been over-staying, those whose cases aren’t regularly heard and brought to court, sick, PWD, and elderly PDLs, and those unaware of their rights.

It’s not back to being black, as we’re still seeing PDLs whose eyes are shining with hope and change after reintegrating back to the community.

Taking huge steps to dev work

By: Roland Reyes

Prior to the launch of our internship, my colleagues and I, have managed to communicate with the organization for an orientation about the activities. The organization sent a DevCom alumna, Melvin Nuñez to be our internship supervisor. What started as a purely business manner of arrangement forged into a deeper connection motivated by the pursuit of HLAF’s goals.

The orientation proved itself to be fruitful as our supervisor stressed the primary objectives of the organization. We listened in awe as the video presentation showcased the organization’s flagship programs and its services extended to the vulnerable groups within the country’s correctional institutions.

The first deliverable assigned to us was to formulate a communication plan that guarantees our activities for the span of our OJT. The planning part of it was tricky for we had but little knowledge of the processes within the organization. Nevertheless, the motivation to showcase our honed skill for the synthesis of contributions prevailed. 

The first week arrived and we have already spent an all-nighter on the conceptualization, planning, and narrative of our communication plan. Tired, yet motivated, we were granted a meeting with the Executive Director of HLAF, Iyok. Iyok (as he stressed that we should refer him as such) is a lawyer-in-practice with magnanimous experience in project management and development-oriented advocacies. He elaborated prior confusions on the systematic processes within the organization.

Along with Jannela Magtibay, a colleague in the internship, we designed and articulated key points in our presentation. I managed to present highlights of our presentation and as a team, received a remarkable response as we filled in visual gaps in their communication platforms. Aside from the delegation of activities, we conceived additional deliverables assigned by Mr. Nuñez. I added to my list of outputs an updated branding strategy that highlights the key features of our advocacy plans in the available social media spaces of the organization.

During the course of our internship, we were met with numerous tasks that add up to our workload. This was not a surprise given the current standing of NGOs in the country in hindsight to the necessity of such organizations in uplifting the different sectors of the nation. Our meager outputs serve as fuel for the engagement of our communication agendas further adding up these meaningful transitions to the accomplishments of the organization as a whole.

I devised a process of branding strategy that takes the lead in our tasks in relation to this prospect. From the evaluation, up to execution, we aligned the visual properties of every publication material, social media content, and output thumbnails according to this discipline.

On the sidelines, we were communicative assistants covering projects and events for the organization. Since most of these tasks were done virtually, previous engagements allow us to do the documentation after work hours with the help of pre-recorded zoom meetings. In all regards, despite this task being tedious, it improved my writing ability furthering to adapt conciseness and accuracy necessary during these documentation opportunities.

The month of June breezed through as we were assigned one task after the other. It takes a huge step for me to be able to build confidence in myself as the organization trusted me with important business tasks. This includes delivering an introduction to students from De La Salle University-Manila as they take on their research projects in partnership with HLAF. To speak on behalf of an organization and its three-fold flagship programs and advocacies is a feat to remember, after all.

The second month of our internship was less overwhelming. By this time we already have a grasp of our role in furthering the organization’s goals. Meanwhile, I am still continuing the processes of the branding amplification that we started last month. The month of July presented fewer documentation opportunities for me but additional write-ups and layout design to add to my design processes.

I formulated a branding peripheral that includes key points for the celebration of the foundation’s 20th anniversary. We were part of a team communicating with the entirety of the organization in this aspect. During staff meetings, we solidified our stance in developing the visual appeal of the brand. This gained traction as soon as we set up due to the new principles of design that we applied in our deliverables. Our team of DevCom interns presented our plans for the following weeks in retrospect to the previous arrangements we have learned last month.

Staff meetings are considered very important as these keep the whole organization posted on the happenings of each department. I witnessed how direct and eager each staff member is in their specific fields be it a paralegal officer, a field worker, a lawyer, or an intern like us. Each cog of this development-oriented gear strengthened the advocacies of the foundation leading to sustainable outputs in jails and institutions along respective regions.

Our part in this endeavor is to ensure that the activities prepared, planned, and executed by the organization gain traction on social media. This is vital for the outreach of support both financially and morale and is a trusted opportunity for additional partnerships. 

One specific highlight is the partnership with De La Salle College of St. Benilde forged by the organization. HLAF, as directed by Iyok, entrusted the communications and redirection of tasks to us DevCom interns. It still fills my heart with a sense of responsibility when Iyok mentioned his trust in our palate of branding and that we will relay the same principles to multimedia students on behalf of HLAF.

As our internship draws nearer, we found ourselves wanting more of this job experience as mere 200 hours doesn’t make the cut in an exposure. Nonetheless, for the coming weeks, I invested in building a timeframe for my deliverables that has taken a toll due to the processes involved therein. One specific learning experience was the value of adaptability in a fast-paced organization. The key motive in revisions of publication materials necessitates clear, concise communication to our supervisor to avoid delays in production.

I also had the wonderful chance to host a podcast initiative started by my peers discussing the highlights of HLAF to potential listeners. This communication peripheral allows us to master the technology and apply the principles of trusted podcast series in our future work.

In this particular episode, I discussed the rights of PDLs at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Guided by research, I learned that in a recent tally of PDLs in the Philippines, BuCor reported that there are 48,284 PDLs in the country as of May 2021. In contrast to the -2.34% increase rate last year, the number of PDLs increased by 0.04%. 

In this light, it is important to note that in a recent speech given by Chief Justice Diosdado Peralta in Tarlac State University, he said that hearings were taking place and a total of 192,444 videos conference hearings was done from May 4 of last year to February 5 of this year. The hearings have a success rate of 88%. As a result, he said up to 122,178 PDLs were released.

This is proactive in the pursuit of HLAF in aiding the gears towards jail decongestion. As part of the organization’s values to empower and capacitate duty-bearers, the community, and LGU, HLAF has been active in the goal objective of alleviating the circumstances in these jails.

I communicated these facts to Mr. Melvin Caymo, the chief paralegal officer of the Jail Decongestion program of the organization. He shared multiple insights on the role of HLAF in furthering these advocacies in spite of the pandemic. He even ended on a good motivational note featured in the title of our podcast.

The internship was a fruitful experience and it geared me for my future ventures in development-oriented work. I see myself fit in this environment where living meant alleviating the living conditions of the people I serve. That perhaps must be the ultimate goal.

My HLAF Journey: How I Thrived Outside the Box

By: Julius Mojares

During our internship application period, I told myself I was doing it only for compliance. I was not really putting much thought into it. I could have sent out resumes to companies I did not know at all. Luckily, I have friends who introduced me to HLAF or Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation. A law firm. Or an NGO. Whatever, I thought. I had not realized that what I was getting myself into was a roller coaster ride.

During our first week, it was all meh. Meetings. Event documentation. Piece of cake, I thought. But after one meeting with the executive director, that was when it dawned on me: they are expecting so much from us. They made us do a comprehensive Communication Plan. Not like the one we did in our course. They want a comprehensive and well-articulated communication plan. 

So, that night, we spent twelve hours collaborating with our ideas, plans,  and congregations. It was stressful. We even had to produce a PPT presentation. We worked until six in the morning and then prepared for the presentation at eight. It was exhausting.

Now, why am I telling you this?

I would go back to my first sentence: I was doing it for compliance. If I could, I would have just signed up for it and then slack off. But the thing is this company where I got myself into is not just a company. It was an NGO that advocates for the rights of persons deprived of liberty and it is something that is just close to my heart.

That’s when I told myself that when I write for this company, I would pour my heart out. When I directed our company podcast, I poured my heart out. I have learned to love the company, its advocacies, and I have learned how things work in a real-life job. 

To keep it short, HLAF acquainted me with what it is like to actually work. 

What we do in HLAF

As communication interns, we are tasked to produce the communication materials HLAF use in their social media page. There were days when we would attend meetings or events in which we will write a news article. Or a narrative report to be sent to funders.

We also produced publicity materials and infographics. I am not that skilled in terms of design so my role in this particular project is to plan the content and the captions. 

Also, we produced the company’s first-ever podcast. We titled it AMPLIFY. I spearheaded this project with the help of my co-interns and supervisor. I wrote scripts, revision after revision. And by the end of our internship period, we were able to produce three episodes.

Our tasks do not end when we are off the clock. There were days when our supervisor would ask us to produce urgent content in the middle of the night. We understood, however, that it was part of the job.

Who I worked with

We were four interns. Jacob, Jelai, Roland, and myself. We have known each other for almost four years now. We have been working in the same group ever since we met in college.

Before the internship started, we had already decided to apply in the same company and live under the same roof. Despite the pandemic, we pushed through with our plan on renting an apartment in Alangilan, Batangas City.

Living together had a lot of advantages. We can easily coordinate with each other. We can also help each other out whenever the tasks are overwhelming. Roland and I shared the same room while Jacob and Jelai shared the other room. Whenever we feel down or tired, we can always find diversion by sitting together with our coffee and garlic bread.

I realized, working is a lot more fun when you are doing it with your friends. Now, I wonder if I could have survived it without them. Probably not.

What I learned

My internship with HLAF taught me a lot of lessons I will never forget.

Working with lawyers and communication professionals, I have learned that it is not enough to have excellent communication skills. One must need to understand that every company has its own voice that it uses and as communication interns, we need to learn how to speak their language. Their voice. 

Also, I learned how important design thinking is. We were taught to harness every idea we have before putting it into paper. Before any of our works had been approved, they had to go through processes of revisions. Of course, it was difficult to accept at first but over time, I realized it was part of the growth we were seeking at this internship, to begin with.

Furthermore, the lesson I will always bring with me is the lesson I learned from the PDLs I interviewed. They taught me how to value freedom and not let anyone take it away. Their stories were very touching I could hardly write about them. I wanted to be as careful as possible when I wrote about them.

Outside the box.

Like I said, at first, it was only for compliance. But working as an intern in HLAF challenged me. And I took it. I learned volumes of knowledge and skills and I couldn’t be any more thankful.

For me, my internship experience was a way to get out of my comfort zone. I grew not only as a development communication practitioner but also as a human being. What I learned in HLAF, I will take with me from here on forward. Like a sword. Like a knight ready to conquer.

A Deeper Take on Humanity: HLAF Internship at a Devcom Perspective

By: Jannela Mae Magtibay

From blended learning to online access in education, the world of digital and computerized technologies are now reshaping the learning experiences of the students amidst the pandemic. With the new modes of education, these students started to learn within the premises of their homes without being compromised on their studies. These events were considered as a huge adjustment for everyone. Although it has brought its fair share of benefits and difficulties to the majority, those who are affected are doing their best to comply with such changes. Hence this approach was also implied in internships and on-the-job training. Guided by their respective curriculums, each program rendered the required working hours into a work-from-home setup.

Enrolled under the BS Development Communication program, we were given adequate access to choosing the company we want to work with during our 200-hour internship. And as a future development practitioner, I decided to apply as an intern in Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc. to harness my skills in graphic and layout design as well apply the values of being purposive, pragmatic, and value-laden.

For the first week of my internship, I was tasked together with my colleagues—Jacob Esguerra, Julius Mojares, and Roland Reyes to present our proposed communication plan to the Executive Director of HLAF. Together with Mr. Melvin Nunez, our OJT supervisor as well as HLAF’s Communications committee, we expounded our plans and proposed various projects that will cover the upcoming weeks of our internship. Given the specific advocacies inclined with a specialized community of individuals, we learned that HLAF seeks to provide development in some of the most underserved areas of the country. And with that as regard, we aimed to introduce new concepts of audience engagement inclined with the sustainability of our endeavors as development communicators; and establish additional opportunities for organizational support where our programs, projects, and outreach services are distinguishable in the 21st century and a devcom perspective.

As we have tackled in our communication plan, our team aims to amplify the company branding, upgrade the quality of publicity materials, and build a wider network by utilizing modern audience-engagement platforms and still preserve the values and advocacies of HLAF. Such modifications can be done through amplification of the brand using a revamped color palette that will maintain the theme of our core values, typography, and more; updating publication materials for the social media accounts, webinars, and other communication efforts to establish a more grounded public appeal highlighting HLAF’s vision and mission; and integrate available communication spaces such as podcasts and virtual hangouts to appeal to the different sectors of our society. Through these objectives, I’ve learned how to incorporate the principles of modernity into a specific style that will fit the demands of the company.

Likewise, we also attended a Child Protection webinar in Virac, Catanduanes which aimed to raise awareness of children’s rights in various aspects. To sum up the week, we passed a revised version of our communication plan afterward and documented a 4-day pre-recorded Flipchart webinar.

The second week started with presenting an accomplishment report in the company’s staff meeting. As the team’s graphic and visual artist, I prepared different t-shirt and mug designs for the 20th commemorative anniversary of the company. I also prepared publicity material templates to revamp the social media branding and aligned the concepts with the existing guidelines of HLAF.

The third week mainly focused on the revisions of the proposed template for the publicity materials that will be published in the company’s social media accounts. Moreover, I was also tasked to create an artwork for a Feature article about the establishment of HLAF’s FRED Kamustahan Group which aims to connect former PDLs amidst the pandemic.

As a continuation of the tasks from the previous weeks, we were assigned to attend a presentation of BA Multimedia Arts students from De LaSalle – College of Saint Benilde. As an official partner of HLAF, they are tasked to assist us to improve the branding guidelines and website of the company. Although we are also students ourselves, HLAF entrusted us to lead the students from LaSalle to help them incorporate the values of the company in their outputs and adjust them from a devcom perspective.

HLAF taught me that organizing projects takes great courage and doing it during the pandemic takes magnanimity. The second week of July focused on one of their biggest projects—BCPC Congress 2021 which acknowledges the hard work of our duty-bearers and the efforts they put into all the programs and projects they are conducting for the protection of our children. I was tasked to create various publicity materials that will highlight the said event to increase the audience and participants’ engagement. Likewise, I was also assigned in making pub mats for Jail Decongestion Program activities in La Union Provincial Jail, Lucena City Jail, and Roxas District Jail and artwork for our feature article.

My internship for the third week of July focused on creating pubmats for another illustration for our second story of reintegration. It was then followed by creating a poster for a nationwide webinar in the basic child orientation protection program which I drew various elements and integrated them all with the core values of HLAF. Moreover, we also published posts regarding Quezon City Jail’s female dorm basic orientation seminar and case consultation, and Makati City Jail paralegal training.

The last week of my internship was hectic. I was tasked to create a poster that will show the official HLAF email for queries and invitations. I also created a pubmat that features HLAF’s Internship FAQs, Donation FAQs. Likewise, Mr. Nunez asked me to provide a digital ID for every HLAF staff. He also asked me to transfer the designs and templates that I made to Canva which he will use for future postings after we leave the company. In addition, I also created artworks for each article that will be published soon on HLAF’s official Facebook page.

Although it is such a waste that the internship only lasted for a month, I would still like to acknowledge how we managed to learn and experience various things in just a short period. My stay in HLAF made me realize how significant my skills are in the professional field and I should still pursue graphic and layout design with inclinations in the devcom field.

Hindi sayang: Story of a meaningful internship

By: Jacob Esguerra


I have come to hate the word sayang. I do not want to feel regretful all my life just because of a wrong decision. Rendering my 200 hours at the Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc. (HLAF), I can proudly say that I did something good and great at the same time.

Looking for a company to render a 200-hour on-the-job training had not been easy for me. When you do not know what you want to do in life, deciding becomes really hard.

Luckily, HLAF found me. Yes. I did not find HLAF, it found me. To cut the story short, a friend of mine recommended HLAF to me. I stalked its Facebook page and what they are doing in their organization caught my interest. I wrote a letter of intent, sent my resume together with my portfolio, then the rest is history.

My first week went really well. It was as amazing as the advocacies of HLAF. I had the opportunity to meet our training supervisor, Mr. Melvin F. Nuñez, who is an alumnus of BatStateU BS DevCom. Together with my co-interns, we also met with the HLAF’s Executive Director, Atty. Rommel Alim Abitria, who is so cool and super nice. We presented the initial draft of our communications plan to him, which summarizes the target deliverables we need to accomplish throughout the internship. We also attended several advocacy training organized by the organization in which we were tasked to document.

Those training became our starting point to know more about the organization. The second week was a bit challenging for me. It was my first time to interview a former PDL (persons deprived of liberty) for an article included in our deliverables. It was hard for me because I had to be cautious with my word choice and the way I talk. After all, we never want to bring up trauma or dig in the past they probably want to forget. Good thing, our supervisor never fell short in reminding me and my co-interns of the proper approach to talk to them. It was an amazing experience because it is not every day that we get to talk to people we thought we could not talk to.

I also had the opportunity to meet other staff of HLAF, Kuya Wendell Manaloto and Kuya Peter Olea, who are both officers of the Focused Reintegration of Ex-Detainees (FRED) Program of HLAF. I also interviewed them to know more about the FRED Kumustahan Group which was the subject of the first article I wrote for the organization.

The third week had been exhausting yet fruitful, as we had to finish several tasks assigned to us. We attended a consultation meeting of the ALG Foundation wherein we helped the members of the group improve their designs and content for their publication materials. We also managed to finish the report of the children’s code consultation of HLAF together with the province of Catanduanes. Also, we were able to attend a consultation meeting with the second-year Multimedia Arts students of De La Salle – College of St. Benilde for their HLAF Design Communication collateral.

Moreover, I was able to finish my article about the FRED Kumustahan Group. This FRED Kumustahan Group is simply a group chat in Messenger which serves as a support system for the former PDLs. In this article, I realized how hard it is to be a former PDL, and how HLAF continuously and consistently works towards helping them improve their lives.

During the fourth week, I had the chance to attend a courtesy meeting with the warden of the La Union Provincial Jail. During the meeting, HLAF staff and law student interns introduced the Jail Decongestion Program of the organization and what are its objectives. Afterward, I wrote a news article about it which is now available on HLAF’s Facebook page. I was also able to write two more news articles this week about the Lucena City Jail – Female Dorm Pre-Release Formation Session and Basic Orientation Seminar and Case Consultation of Roxas District Jail. These news articles are now available on the organization’s Facebook page. My FRED Kumustahan Group article finally got published, too. Productive week, indeed.

My fifth week had been positively draining. Meetings piled up so fast, I had articles to finish, plus the sudden tasks given by our supervisor. But it felt good, honestly. It felt good to know that you are contributing to achieving the objectives of the organization. I had the privilege to interview a jail officer from San Juan City, a Vice-Mayor from Catanduanes, a social worker from Good Neighbors International – Philippines, a principal, a barangay secretary, and a law practitioner. Simply, from different walks of life. I am just thankful for the opportunity to have interviewed them. The interviews will be used for the articles included in our deliverables. I was also able to write another news article about the Basic Orientation Seminar and Case Consultation that happened in Quezon City Jail.

The last week of our internship had been nothing but fulfilling. I was tasked to write several news articles about the five-day online paralegal training for jail officers. These articles are now available on the Facebook page of HLAF. On July 21, I attended the Bicol Regionwide Advocacy Session which aims to provide children from Region V and its neighboring provinces with basic knowledge of their rights as children. After the session, I was tasked again to write a news article. I was also able to attend the meeting of psych and law interns for their collaboration for a nationwide mental health webinar. The meeting was documented and our supervisor again tasked me to write a news article.

Having all those said and done, I can confidently say that I have learned and gained a lot because of HLAF. I got exposed to what awaits me in the future after finishing my degree. I have seen how the world works outside the four corners of the university. I have witnessed how challenging it is to survive a day knowing that your work haunts you even after working hours.

In a span of more than one month, I feel like I did something meaningful for the community and myself. My internship at HLAF is something that my future self will thank me for. Undeniably, it was an exhausting journey. But it was beautiful. It has a taste of magic. Hindi sayang

Adaptive programming as theme during barangay council for the protection of children congress

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we are living through a world crisis with the likes of which hasn’t been seen in 100 years.

The COVID-19 pandemic is distressing on the grounds that it’s difficult to foresee how things will develop and result, while our conditions are evolving quickly. This leaves us feeling frail on the things we cannot be in charge of. Similar to the case in numerous parts of our lives, there are things we can’t handle in the present circumstances. These incorporate the activities and responses of others, how long the circumstances will last, and what may occur later on.

The current health crisis challenges significant social, political, and economic features in our communities. This faces unfolding consequences for the most vulnerable; persons with disabilities (PWDs), senior citizens, health workers, children, other people at risk.

It tests how communities adapt quickly to lightning-speed difficulties and adjustments.

The Barangay Councils for the Protection of Children (BCPCs) did not go around and took immediate action to plan activities that promote the children’s welfare during the pandemic.

The BCPC is an assembly, in charge of planning and implementing activities on child protection at the barangay level. It consists of different committees that promote the rights of children. The council is a constituent that decides for the best interest of the child.

Without a doubt, dealing with the COVID-19 has caused a great social crisis that presented challenges to the BCPCs forcing them to face unprecedented times, and to reconceptualize how to provide better service for children necessary for their optimal growth and development. While these crises occur, came opportunities for changes and improvements, for innovations and creative solutions, some of which should be adapted and incorporated into their daily practice and social routine, even in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era.

In order to know how the barangay councils adapt their programs and campaigns for children, HLAF initiated the 2021 Online Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) Congress, which theme is “Sinong mag-aadjust? Pag-aangkop ng Child Protection sa Pamayanan sa pagbabago ng panahon”.

This year’s theme aims to focus on how communities and community-bearers adapt their strategies to provide needs and better protection of children during the pandemic, as well as showcase the resiliency of their respective communities.

The Online BCPC Congress runs May-October 2021.

Estimating: Tatak Barangay Practice (TBP) pre-judging stage

Barangay Gordon Heights, Olongapo City

Priscilla Ponge, Barangay Captain of Gordon Heights, Olongapo City presented her office’s ways and strategies that help families and children in need during the pandemic. “Higit pa sa ayuda, kalinga, at aruga ang mas kailangan ng bata” discussed the services they provide, especially in food and daily supplies assistance to families and children in their barangay during the strict health protocols and lockdowns.

Their food relief caravan activity was the highlight of their presentation. Ponge said the local lockdowns have caused families to lack a daily food supply. The strict community quarantine surely lost regular jobs to households and those requiring physical presence.

Moreover, their programs for children adapted to the current rules being implemented by the health protocol such as but not limited to children violating curfew hours and those involved in illicit activities. Their child protection desk is active, while logbooks and record books are properly used to document child-related cases.

Ponge said curfew violators are accompanied until their homes. Pinagsasabihan namin ang kanilang mga magulang na maging mahigpit sila sa kanilang mga anak. At kung mauulit ang pangyayari, mga magulang na ng mga bata ang papanagutin.

Children involved in illicit activities are given rightful actions and intervention programs. Ang mga bata naman na masasangkot sa mga ilegal na gawain sa panahon ng pandemya ay bibigyan ng karampatang aksyon ng pamahalaang barangay. Sila ay isasangguni sa iba pang tanggapan/ahensya ng gobyerno tulad ng Police Station, City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO), Social Development Center (SDC) at Center for Youth na siguradong tutugon sa kanilang naging suliranin upang patuloy na mapangalagaan ang kanilang karapatan at kapakanan sa kabila ng paggawa ng mali.

Ang tanggapan naman ng Children’s Protection Desk ay nagsasagawa ng mga intervention at diversion programs para sa mga CAR at CICL upang maituwid nila ang nagawang pagkakamali. Binibigyan din sila ng oportunidad upang maipaliwanag ang kanilang mga naging kalagayan, Ponge added.

Gordon Height’s community involvement played a huge part in the implementation of the BCPC’s activities. Naging makabuluhan ang naging papel ng pamayanan sa matagumpay na pagpapatupad ng aming mga programa para sa kanila at sa mga kabataan. Dahil sa implementasyon ng paghihigpit sa galaw ng mga tao sanhi ng pagtaas ng bilang ng kaso ng COVID-19 sa komunidad, ang tanging gawi ng mga tao ay manatili sa loob ng bahay hanggat maaari at kung hindi naman importante ang dahilan ng paglabas ay marapat na pumirmi sa tahanan upang makaiwas sa banta ng coronavirus.

Gordon Heights reported that the pandemic caused a low criminal rate of 1%. Bumaba ang bilang ng kriminalidad sa barangay, ayon sa datos, one percent (1%) criminality rate ang barangay sa gitna ng pandemya. Bumaba rin ang bilang ng mga batang nagkasala sa batas, hindi lalampas sa sampung kaso ang reported cases ng mga CICL sa kasagsagan ng pandemya, said Ponge.

No child has been recorded to have COVID-19, said the barangay health center. Over 4,000 children received supplies such as food, vitamins, milk, bread, and toys to play with, while 3,000 children received polio and measles vaccination.

Sa mga nabanggit na programa ng pamahalaang barangay, masisiguro na magtutuloy-tuloy ang pagpapanatili ng epekto ng mga gawaing nasimulan sa gitna ng pandemya hanggang matapos ito dahil sa pagtutulong-tulong ng Gordon Heights, Ponge concluded.

Barangay Longos, Malabon City

I think before I click, is an online campaign to become a responsible social media user, as well as give children real and appropriate knowledge on current online platforms, said Edna Morit.

Morit shared kagaya ng mensaheng nabanggit sa awiting “Bawat Bata” ng APO Hiking Society ang bawat bata sa mundo ay isinilang na may karapatan kung kaya’t dapat sila ay pinoprotekhan at pinapahalagahan. Ngunit, kasabay ng kanilang pagtanda ganun din ang pag babagong nangyayari sa lipunang kanilang kinagagalawan, na ngayon ay nababalot ng teknolohiya na isa naring masasabing new normal.

Longos’ plan was to create online advocacy mainly to reduce and keep children away from the possibility of online abuse and neglect. The program aims to equip children, parents, teachers, duty-bearers, and other individuals responsible for social media usage.

The COVID-19 pandemic turned most people’s attention on social media where they get their daily news, updates from family and friends, and other events. Morit said that Longos saw the urgency to provide social media literacy that will guide online users’ responsibility. Sa tulong nga BCPC Council, Barangay Children and Youth Association, Barangay Council, BCPC Volunteers, Guro, at iba pang indibidwal ay naisagawa ang programang ito, said Morit.

Longos expects that the Barangay Council and the Sangguniang Kabataan continue to provide reminders to children and the youth of the limitations of social media use. While the Barangay Children and Youth Association is expected to persuade members of the community to be part of the online advocacy to promote children’s rights. Teachers and parents are looked forward to share their extensive knowledge and experience to responsible social media usage, as well as guide children whenever they use web platforms.

Indirectly, the online advocacy created a space for children to shared discussions and stories which did not tackle only social media use, but as well their life during the community quarantine.

Morit said that she thinks that the activity is a success and is effective to the target participants. Masasabi namin na naging epektibo ang aming programa dahil ito ay sinuportahan ng ilang kasamang BCPC hindi lamang sa Malabon, pati na rin sa Navotas. Naniniwala kami na ang munting mensahe para sa mga bata ay naipahayag ng maayos.

Their hearts and dedication for children are their sustainability plan, yet of course, the allocated 1% budget for the BCPC. Puso ang aming naging puhunan kung kaya puso din ang magpapanatili upang maipahayag sa lahat ang adbokasiya na mayroon ang BCPC Longos , patuloy na proteksyunan at isulong ang karapatan ng mga kabataan.

Barangay Pinyahan, Quezon City

Pinyahan was represented by BCPC Secretary Elvie Laurito who shared their handling, diversion, and intervention program.

Laurito said

Ang Mapagligtas na Karanasan

As we support Prison Awareness Sunday and the National Correctional Consciousness Week, here’s HLAF’s exceptional story of Kuya Freddie.

For many reasons, Alfredo has often been regarded as the black sheep of his family. During his childhood, he would always see his parents quarrel and fight for certain causes. His childhood was different from many kids today. As young as 12, he already learned to drink alcohol and even smoking a cigarette. When his family knew his bad habits, he was beaten badly by his elder brother and locked in his room. Being locked, and beaten, he felt that he didn’t belong to them, so he began enjoying and exploring things with his friends. With his eager will of trying to be along with his friends and the pressure from his peers, he then learned to do different crimes. Crimes such as Robbery, Physical Injuries, and even came to a point where his friends and he did a Homicide.

He was caught and went to jail in 1971 at Muntinlupa City Jail. However, because of Martial Law, and its implications, he was one (1) out of the 1,500 inmates thrown to Iwahig Penal Colony in Palawan. Inmates in this facility were known to be notorious and dangerous. According to him, his life was really challenging at that time. Every day, he would climb mountains and work in the general services department of the facility for twelve (12) hours.

As time pass by, he realized that he misses his Mother, since no one could visit him apart from the distance and the strict protocols of the facility. This instance gave him the determination to do good and become stronger. He was transferred to an outpost where he could roam freer after eight (8) months.

He was given parole in 1977. He then came home to Quezon City, where his family lives. However, he said that the attitude of his father and his older brother never changed for him. It was like a flashback of the older years, he said.

Longing for care and acceptance, he wandered at Luneta (Rizal Park), which is situated on the eastern shore of Manila Bay, and plays a significant role in shaping the history of the Philippines. After several months of being in Luneta and becoming friends to many, he was then called “Freddie Luneta”, and established Pamilya Paraya which grew a number of members and was fed by devious crimes and actions.

Now, because of the deviant actions of the group, he was captured and detained again in 1978. That time, he believed that it was the end for him, he felt that he will rot and die in Muntinlupa City Jail. Three (3) years later, he was involved in Life, a Spiritual Seminar inside the jail, and met Rogelio “Altar” Gloria, his discussion leader. Altar was a Death Row inmate and known for multiple killings until he was given a chance to change and renew himself. According to Alfredo, Altar worked really hard and pursued him to listen to God, changed his perspectives and views in life, and taught a lot of life-long learnings.

This time, he felt lighter and understood himself, his capability, his characteristics, and his skills. He became more open and started reading the Bible, where he would stay all night long. It was that moment when he realized that God was preparing him for his release and adorn life.

When the Spirit of God moves, even the toughest of prisoners cannot stand in His way. I’ve done so many things wrong in my life, made so many wrong turns,” Alfredo said. “But I know that God is real. I want more of Jesus, more of His presence”. The presence of God felt evident through his years, he even met the love of his life when being transformed and after being released.

Alfredo no longer did crimes but served in the Parishes of Taguig until he was able to establish a community in all of them. He believed that God used him to create these communities for people. When he became friends with Bishop Anton Pascual, he was engaged in multiple speaking activities. It was not only his role during his transformation, he also tried to understand and even train for Law related concerns such as Case Follow-Ups and Consultations which he obtained by participating in various organizations in Metro Manila.

Alfredo or Kuya Freddie, which most of us know, then expanded his jail work where he was involved in HLAF (Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation) as a volunteer. It was in 2008, where he met Atty. Rommel Iyok Alim Abitria (HLAF Executive Director) at Taguig City Jail. After years of hard work, dedication, established connection, and trust, he became a regular staff in the organization as a Paralegal Assistant.

Kuya Freddie would always want to highlight that this Salvific Experience changed his life, views, attitudes, and love for God. This time, it was Pagbabago at Pag-Asa who led him to who he is today. He prays that Prison Fellowship and the Ministry will bear more volunteers, continue watering the seed, and see it grow.

Nog’s Adventurous Journey

According to the National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health, the majority of mental healthcare is provided in hospital settings and there are underdeveloped community mental health services. There is 1 doctor for every 80,000 Filipinos (WHO & Department of Health, 2012); the emigration of trained specialists to other countries, particularly English-speaking countries, contributes to this scarcity.

Once in jail, many individuals do not receive the treatment they need and end up getting worse, not better, in most instances. They can stay longer than their counterparts without mental illness. They are at risk of victimization and often their mental health conditions get worse. Jails can be scary, the unfamiliar surroundings, the loud noises, undetermined movements, and, what else? One has no idea, who they are with.

Many individuals, especially without access to mental health services and support, wind up homeless, in emergency rooms, and often re-arrested. Jailing people with mental illness creates huge burdens on law enforcement, corrections, and state and local budgets. It does not protect public safety. And people who could be helped are being ignored.

Nog (not his true name), a former-PDL who has been released from the Manila City Jail through the help of the FRED (Focused Reintegration of Ex-Detainees) program of HLAF is one. Nog has been in jail for 15 years, he has been identified to have mental health concerns, according to the National Center for Mental Health and Manila City Jail.

On the other hand, Manila City Jail does not want to release Nog yet even though he should already be out, since his family is unidentified, and he doesn’t know where to go. They are also anxious about the possibility that Nog might just be rearrested again.

Nog spent 15 years in jail because his family is nowhere to be identified and located. This is where HLAF decided to help him get back to his family. Through HLAF’s partnership with the different municipalities and its barangays, the program has been able to identify his family in Malabon City, Metro Manila.

Nog’s time in jail has been adventurous, he said. “Okay naman ako ‘dun” in a pleasant tone. He had been helping in cleaning their cell and wiping the floor. He also said that he has a particular duty, he was among the people who had been guards whenever the other PDLs have to go to sleep since Manila City jail is among the over-congested jails in the Philippines, “naglilinis lang ako nun sa kulungan, nagbabantay ng mga tulog kasi may oras din yung pagtulog, pero masaya”.

         Meanwhile, his family was extremely merry since Nog’s return. His Mom said that when he came home Nog lost a lot of weight, although he was thin on the first hand. She was dazed that through those years, Nog’s mental state improved, he became mindful of his thoughts, and he was easily understood. His Mom, as a tinapa (smoked-fish) vendor, said that they were coping through life even with these circumstances, while his step-father is a truck-helper.

It is not only the Family who is thankful but the community as well. This includes the Manila City Jail, his friends, and other people concerned about him.

Since Nog’s release, he has not been doing much. He is currently on a hard time finding a good job. “Ngayon, ang binabantayan ko na lang ay ang bahay, tapos minsan lumalabas ako tapos kwentuhan lang, pero mas masaya na ako ngayon”, he said. “Sa tingin ko, 100% na ako ngayon”, he ended.

Although their gratitude was in silent mode that time, their eyes were our witness that them being together again shows how HLAF works, for its advocacies.

Currently, Nog is under the FRED program of HLAF.